Learning Resources
Learning Resources
At Killowen Primary School we are very proud to offer your child the following excellent resources. These significantly help to enhance learning and the overall development of your child. The classrooms are all situated on one level making them accessible for everyone. We have a colourful courtyard featuring a safe soft covering, a curriculum designed garden including a pond, willow features, flowerbeds and sand pit. We are fortunate to have a large grass area, overlooking the River Bann, which the children enjoy in dry weather and sports' day.
At Killowen Primary School we are very proud to offer your child the following excellent resources. These significantly help to enhance learning and the overall development of your child. The classrooms are all situated on one level making them accessible for everyone. We have a colourful courtyard featuring a safe soft covering, a curriculum designed garden including a pond, willow features, flowerbeds and sand pit. We are fortunate to have a large grass area, overlooking the River Bann, which the children enjoy in dry weather and sports' day.
A lovely library
A lovely library
Spacious classrooms
Spacious classrooms
Interactive NovoTouch panels in every classroom
Sensory Area
A support / parents' room
A support / parents' room
Curriculum designed garden
Curriculum designed garden
Outdoor play areas including large play equipment, trails and courtyard
Outdoor play areas including large play equipment, trails and courtyard
A well resourced playroom
A well resourced playroom
An active playground at break and lunch which is zoned to encourage children to play with their peers
An active playground at break and lunch which is zoned to encourage children to play with their peers
After Schools situated in our Kabins from 8 am - late, helping with child care.
After Schools situated in our Kabins from 8 am - late, helping with child care.
iPads and/or chrome books for everyone to enhance the teaching and learning experience
iPads and/or chrome books for everyone to enhance the teaching and learning experience
Forest school
Specialist Provision Classroom
Killowen Primary School, Shuttlehill, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Northern Ireland, BT51 3BZ
Telephone: 028 7034 2483 Email: Contact Form