General Information
School day begins
9.00 am unless children are attending Breakfast Club which starts at 8.00 am. Last orders for breakfast are at 8.45 am.
Morning Break
It is the school's policy to encourage the children to eat healthily and lead a healthy life style. The children are asked to bring a healthy break to school. Such breaks include milk, water, fruit, vegetables and bread based products with no jam.
Lunch Break
Lunch menus are sent out regularly with plenty of choice available. Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch to eat.
School day ends
For those not attending after school clubs:
2.00 pm
Years 1 & 2
Year 3 on Monday & Friday
3.00 pm
Year 3 on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Years 4, 5, 6 & 7
Regular and punctual attendance is a priority for all pupils. A written note from parents is required if your child is absent from school or needs to be collected early. Parents and children are referred to the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) when required, in line with our attendance policy.
School Uniform
Black shoes (plain black trainers with black soles are acceptable), navy cardigan/jumper, navy pinafore/skirt, white blouse, school tie or blue gingham dress in summer term, white socks or navy tights.
Black shoes (plain black trainers with black soles are acceptable), navy jumper, grey trousers, white shirt and school tie, dark socks.
Many children prefer to wear school sweatshirts and white polo shirts. Waterproof coats can also be worn by boys and girls.
P.E. Kit
All children should wear soft soled, non-marking footwear when doing P.E. from Year 3 upwards, pupils should bring shorts and a T-shirt to change into for P.E. These can be old shorts or leggings and T-shirts that are no longer needed at home.
Local suppliers
S & T Moore, Heart & Home. The school appreciates the support of the parents in the wearing of uniform which helps the child identify with the school. Children will be encouraged by the school to do so. Items of clothing should be clearly labelled to avoid any confusion of ownership.
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
The rules around data protection are changing. This is to make sure sensitive or private information about yourselves and your children stays safe. We have updated our privacy notice which can be found below.
We have the best interests of the children and their families at the centre of all we do. Please speak to us as soon as possible if you have a concern. If concerns are dealt with at an early stage, then they are more likely to be resolved and there is no unnecessary dissatisfaction. Many issues can be addressed simply by talking to the relevant staff in school who will be happy to help. Open communication and regular engagement between school staff and the wide range of users is vital to the effective management of the school.
Killowen Primary School, Shuttlehill, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Northern Ireland, BT51 3BZ
Telephone: 028 7034 2483 Email: Contact Form