
We would love your child to be part of our caring, learning environment.

We usually hold an Open Night each year where you can visit and experience the friendly family atmosphere for yourself. However, due to the current circumstances it will not be possible to hold our traditional open day this year. You are very welcome to make an appointment and please take time to visit our virtual open day on the home page!

If you are interested in enrolling your child in the school, please give us the details below, in person or by using our contact page or phone.

Child's Name

Date of Birth


Telephone Number

Parent / Guardian

Usually an invitation to our open day  will be sent to you in December. Children usually begin school in the year of their 5th birthday i.e. age 5 between 1st July one year and the 2nd July the following year. Click the following link to find out how to apply online.

Click the next link to find out about the deferral of school starting:


Admissions Criteria to Year 1

Settling In

Pupils starting school in September are invited to come along with their parents in June to meet the Year 1 teacher and learning support assistants. The children are able to familiarise themselves with the classroom and enjoy playing some games in the playroom.

The parents are also asked to meet with the prinicipal and Year 1 teacher in June to receive an introductory pack for themselves and their child. All settling in procedures are explained at this meeting.

We have established strong links with Kylemore Nursery and Playhouse Nursery, although we welcome children from a variety of pre-school settings every year. The children's teacher visits them in their nursery setting as part of transition arrangements.

Our Supporting Families through Learning Project allows us an additional teacher and an additional classroom assistant to support our Year 1 class. This ensures all children are supported to have an excellent start to their primary school career!

Killowen Primary School, Shuttlehill, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry

Northern Ireland, BT51 3BZ

Telephone: 028 7034 2483                                                       Email: Contact Form