Internet Safety

Tips for Parents

It is important for parents to lead by example and remember to teach the STOP, THINK, POST strategy promoted in school. Parents should discuss Internet safety in the home and monitor Internet use. 

This link will give parents more information around Internet Safety.

Go to this Sway

eSafety Policy Nov 22.pdf

If you wish to know any more the following websites give information on Internet safety

Have a concern?

It is important to stay calm and consider the steps below.

Find out  more

Before doing anything, take a deep breath and try to remain calm.  There’s lots of information and advice on this site to help you keep your child safe and access support. Further support if you are concerned about your child.

Talking to your child

Having a calm and open conversation is one way for you and your child to explore what is happening in an honest and supportive way. There’s advice on this site on how to help your child and how to start the conversation if you are concerned that they are being sexually abused. Concerned that your child is being sexually abused?

Take action

Discuss your concerns with someone you trust, for example a friend, partner or your child’s school. You can also talk to a professional at the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000. Talking about it will help you decide the best action to take to ensure your child is safe. If you are concerned that a child has been, or is being sexually abused, you should report it. You can report directly to CEOP or your local police force. If you think your child is in immediate danger call 999. Report an incident to CEOP.

ThinkUKnow How to Guides for:

Instagram    ooVoo   WhatsApp

UK Safer Internet Centre provide Social Network checklists for:

Twitter  Snapchat   Facebook  Instagram

UK Safer Internet centre - Parent & Carers resources

Killowen Primary School, Shuttlehill, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry

Northern Ireland, BT51 3BZ

Telephone: 028 7034 2483                                 Email: Contact Form