Our Vision
We welcome you to be part of our shared vision where children come first.
Each member of the extended Killowen family plays an active role in ensuring the health, safety and happiness of our children in preparing them in a holistic way to be a successful and responsible member of society. We nurture the diverse talents and self esteem of all our children in a positive and caring environment where equality for all children is of paramount importance.
School Aims
Our child friendly aims were developed by our class and school councils, in conjunction with teachers. We sing about them regularly in our school song to remind us of what we aim to do. We are proud of our Killowen family and feel part of something special.
We keep the Golden Rules so that we will be safe and happy.
We work hard to be the best that we can be.
We think for ourselves and give everything a go!
We think it is important to talk to one another and listen to our good ideas.
We play a part and use our talents in our Killowen family.
Our teachers will help us to grow up well and become responsible members of the community.
Our school is a happy, caring, 'up-to-date' place where everyone is included and feels valued.
Everyone is welcome in our school.
Golden Rules
We apply a Whole School Approach to Nurturing and follow the principles of nurture in school because we all believe:
We connect with one another, cultivate calmness an are hopeful for the future.
We understand that all behaviour is communication.
We believe in building relationships.
We try our best, learn, include everyone and look after one another.
We are part of our community, we all need each other.
We care in Killowen.
We are proud to participate in the Being Well, Doing Well project.
Our Eco Council work with everyone is school to ensure we keep our Green Flag status and we are a Forest School.
Killowen Primary School, Shuttlehill, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Northern Ireland, BT51 3BZ
Telephone: 028 7034 2483 Email: Contact Form