Pastoral Care

The school's Safe Guarding and eSafety Policies are updated annually. The Safe Guarding Team meet regularly to ensure the health and safety of everyone.  All parents are sent out summaries, advice and all staff are fully trained. If a parent has any concerns the procedures are again very clearly set out in the safe guarding policy.

School Safeguarding Team: 

Chairman of the Board of governors:

Mr D Collins

The Designated Governor for Child Protection: 

Mrs N McClarty

The Designated Teacher for Child Protection: 

Mrs L Caskey

The Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection: 

Mrs Arlene Moon

ICT Co-ordinator

Mr W Doherty

and members of the school iTeam/council when applicable

SGCP Policy November 2024.pdf

Pastoral care

Each child knows there is a big wide world out there and that they can be part of it – be achievers!  

We are fully aware that without the pastoral care firmly in place learning will not take place.  Our pastoral care policy reflects our vision and child friendly aims. 

We have a school counsellor who is always willing to lend a listening ear! Referral is via parent, staff or self-referral.

The full range of pastoral care policies are available for perusal:

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Anti Bullying

Positive Behaviour

Teaching and Learning

E-Safety including Acceptable Use of the Internet


Health and Safety

Safe Handling

Personal Care


Relationships and Sexuality

First Aid

Mobile Phone

Complaints procedure


Attendance Policy

Healthy Break

Medication Needs

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Critcial Incident/Bereavement

Pastoral Care Policy 2021.pdf


The anti-bullying  policy clarifies for pupils, teachers and parents that bullying is completely unacceptable. We wish to encourage an environment where individuals can develop without fear and feel at ease speaking to any adult in school. If bullying does occur, the procedures to be followed are set out clearly in this policy.

Anti Bullying Policy Nov 2022.pdf


Should any cause for concern arise during the time your child is with us about our curriculum provision or any other matter, it should, in the first instance be communicated to the class teacher or the Principal. The school has a specific policy to deal with such complaints. However, we encourage parents to speak to us if there is any problem so we can tackle it together! See the policy in the General Information section.

Killowen Primary School, Shuttlehill, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry

Northern Ireland, BT51 3BZ

Telephone: 028 7034 2483                                                       Email: Contact Form